IMLFA V2.0 Errata DO NOT USE ANY FORM OF FILE COMPACTOR ON THE IMLFA.EXE FILE! IMLFA uses an internal overlay structure to make more efficient use of your systems memory and speed up processing. Packing the executable file can cause these overlays to fail with unpredictable results. This failure is usually in the form of total system lockups, but can also corrupt data files or even worse, the IM log file itself. ****************** If you have any utilities or use ECHO statements to write additional information to your IM log file, you may find that you will have problems with this program. I can't possibly code for external data that is being imported into the log. I have tried to make this sofware overlook anything that IM itself doesn't write. If you use ECHO, try to make sure that your statements do not duplicate those that are written by InterMail itself. ie... Calling RING CONNECT Sent Rcvd etc...... Better yet, use the -T switch to let imlfa do all this for you. ****************** With the recent popularity of OS/2 (and other multitaskers) and lower prices on 14400 modems, running InterMail in a multinode setting is becoming more and more common. It has caused some IMLFA users a problem though. If you are going to use IMLFA in a multitasking environment, please remember that you can NOT process your IM log file in another window while InterMail is running and has its log file open. IMLFA needs the EOF(end of file) marker to determine the File Size of the log it is about to process, and InterMail removes this marker at IM startup. Starting IMLFA with the -I or -B command line switches is simply out of the question if InterMail is running. All other command line switches will work however since they act only on IMLFA's stored data. Should you think that this is a limitation in IMLFA, try sending your current InterMail Log file to someone via a file attach message. :-) While it would be possible to copy the log file to a temp and work with that, I have opted not to use that method since it could cause you to loose data that is being written to the real log file while IMLFA is working with a copy. Something could get missed. Also, be sure to read the "Multitasking Considerations" section of the IMLFA.DOC file if you run a multinode system. Thanks...